+971 2443 4448


Abu Dhabi, UAE


Enhanced Wellbeing Therapies

Graceful Reflections Wellbeing Therapy

If you were to ask of yourself, ‘What kind of energy does my life need at this very moment?’

What do you think your answer would be? Would it be love, healing, mindfulness, gratitude?

Graceful Reflections’ wellbeing sessions with Vandana are personalised to help bridge the gap from simply seeking more, to manifesting it within the very fabric of life.

The approach of a Graceful Reflections session is to help seekers access the wise and boundless sources of wisdom, benevolence, and energy that lie deep within each individual and merge it with the Universal Consciousness.

Vandana brings 16 years of intuitive wellness experience to personalise each Graceful Reflections session with Angelic Reiki and Oracle Card Reading. She also includes Meditation if the healing session requires it.

Benefits include:

  • Strengthen your connection to your inherent power, your Divine Spark
  • Understand and learn better from your everyday experiences
  • Learn to reserve judgment towards others
  • Be loving and kind towards yourselves
  • View challenges as opportunities to shine
  • Life seems to flow without resistance
  • Like attracts like. Manifest more peace, joy, and fulfilment
  • Learn to honour spirituality in everyday life
  • Optimise the role and importance of ‘Free Will’

Wellbeing Therapy includes:

  • Angelic Reiki
  • Oracle Card Reading
  • Meditation

Angelic Reiki and Oracle Card Reading together complement each other making it a self-intuitive method of reaffirmation and divining the way forward.

90 Minutes 850AED

About Vandana
Cognitive and Consciousness Awareness Coaching

Feeling stuck in your job or considering a career change? In need of a confidence boost?  Interested in improving personal relationships?  Seeking more meaning in life?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, a Cognitive and Consciousness Awareness coach can help with:

  • Problem solving
  • Goal setting
  • Long-term vision creation
  • Self-development
  • Develop a greater self awareness
  • Relationship building

Tony & Vandana work together using an integrated approach to give you the tools to solve your existential questions.

Tony approaches self-development using logic and reason while Vandana taps into a deeper consciousness to help clients realise greater self-awareness.

Get a free coaching consultation over Zoom to see if this type of training is what you need.

90 minutes 850AED 

About Vandana
Bio-Well Reading

Get ready to discover your energy field! You will learn about the energy levels of each of your chakras, meridians, and organs, the balance between left and right sides of the body, and your stress levels. You will receive guidance on how to balance your energy system to produce healing and equilibrium. 

The measurements are done by capturing the energy in each finger through a desktop camera and software that measures the energy of the whole body. This technology has been proved for more than 20 years finding correlations with medical cases, although it is not a medical diagnosis tool it gives clarity about lack or excess of energy in the body and magnetic field that can be either present at the moment or will be manifested if no actions are taken towards healing.

You will get a comprehensive and easy to understand written report after your session.

45 minutes 525AED 

Bio-Well Reading with Sound Treatment

Get ready to discover your energy field! You will learn about the energy levels of each of your chakras, meridians, and organs, the balance between left and right sides of the body, and your stress levels. You will receive guidance on how to balance your energy system to produce healing and equilibrium. 

The measurements are done by capturing the energy in each finger through a desktop camera and software that measures the energy of the whole body. This technology has been proved for more than 20 years finding correlations with medical cases, although it is not a medical diagnosis tool it gives clarity about lack or excess of energy in the body and magnetic field that can be either present at the moment or will be manifested if no actions are taken towards healing.

After your reading, we will take you through a Sound Healing treatment.

At the end of the session we will measure again your energy markers to check how the sound treatment has brought healing followed by recommendations to continue improving after the session. 

You will get a comprehensive and easy to understand written report after your session.

90 minutes 735AED 

MiHealth Pain/Tension Relief

The miHealth is a non-invasive, electrotherapeutic, hand-held device that can be used to alleviate acute and chronic pain, improve blood circulation, perform passive muscle stimulation (for soreness and fatigue), and facilitate functional restoration and improvement. 

It is used as a stand-alone or in conjunction with NES Health BioEnergetix.

45 minutes 425AED

1,155AED for a package of 3

About Houry
Energy Work & Wellness Coaching with Maya

Maya private consultations include Reiki, Crystal Grids, and NLP techniques to facilitate healing. She helps clients explore their inner energy and emotions, aiming to identify the root cause for effective healing and progress.

Her sessions empower individuals to discover their personal power, build confidence, and let go of past burdens, enabling them to find peace and enjoy life fully. As a Certified Trainer, Maya conducts training programs, workshops, and seminars, sharing knowledge and raising awareness about Energy Healing and the body’s innate healing abilities.

Her mission is to facilitate new journeys and chapters in life, generating positive energy and promoting relaxation and acceptance of the mind, body, and soul.  She also explores the connection between food and healing, understanding how different foods can impact the healing process. 

Maya is passionate about learning, eagarly embracing new healing modalities and techniques, including the use of colours and how they can heal from her travels to various countries and understanding their cultures.

Holistic Approaches Include:

Reiki Master

Sound practitioner Crystal Healing

Aura & Chakra Cleansing NLP Coaching (only for 60 minute and above sessions)

Card Readings

Animal Reiki

Home Cleansing

Services Offered:


Sound Healing, Transformation Coaching,

Indian Head Massage,

Crystal Healing,

Animal Reiki

Certified Training Programs

Empowerment Workshops

Sound Bowl Meditations

Womb Healing

Past Trauma Healings

Grief Healings

Aura Exploration 

Cleansing Chakra Diagnosis

Cleansing Space Clearing

Reiki for Cancer Patients

630AED per session 

About your Therapist

Soul Guidance from the Akasha

These specialized sessions are designed to help the receiver bridge the gap between the tangible and intangible experiences of life. Vandana creates a safe and supportive energy field to receive guidance from the soul’s infinite wisdom held in the Akashic Records.

Our soul along with the Universe guides us on our earthly journey, communicating with us through our intuition, visions, dreams, signs, and synchronicities. This guidance evokes within us a sense of support, empowerment, and joy through the journey of our life.

At times though, we may feel disconnected, confused, stuck in a repetitive pattern, or may not be in alignment with our true selves. We may feel drawn to seeking a deeper understanding of our purpose, life choices, relationships, challenges, strengths, passion, guidance from our ancestors.

Soul guidance sessions are intuitively personalized to support you in receiving the guidance that is held by your soul’s collective wisdom in the etheric realms. The guidance is received in the presence of your guides and angels who share with you the wisdom appropriate for your highest good in the present moment. 

However, you must give permission for this information to be revealed to you and to get clarity about the areas in which you seek guidance. It helps you and your angels to make this an effective session to take your life forward with confidence and awareness. They also request you to receive guidance with an open heart and mind with no self-judgment, just as how they see you.

Soul guidance sessions are identified as follows:

Soul Knowledge –Receiving our soul’s stored wisdom of the ages brings insight and deeper understanding of our life choices, relationships, challenges, strengths, passion and more, assisting us in understanding the lessons hidden within our challenges and in making wiser decisions.

Soul Connection-Connecting with our departed loved ones and ancestors to help us heal, make peace, and move forward with the assurance that their guidance and love is always present in our lives.

Soul Purpose –Understanding our Purpose under the guidance from our soul helps us put our strengths, limitations, opportunities, and challenges into context. Soul Purpose becomes a platform upon which we build clarity, focus, resolves and renewed sense of motivation.

A session is booked only after a 15-minute free online/call consultation with Vandana

Duration: 90 minutes

Price: 950AED

About Vandana
Astrology Natal Chart Reading

Discover the hidden language of the planets and how they influence you! In a Natal Chart reading, we explore your personal sun, moon, and rising placement, your soul’s purpose, conflicts and potentials, major aspects of your personality and current as well as upcoming transitions. A deeply insightful experience for yourself or an inspiring gift for a loved one!

90 minutes 895AED 

About Angela
Oracle Card Reading

For the times when we are unable to obtain clarity of purpose and the need for guidance that we can see and touch is reassuring, the Oracle Card Reading is well suited to offer support that comes directly from the higher realms.

A few benefits of an Oracle Card Reading are:

  • Offers the receiver a higher perspective
  • Inspires and encourages positive life changes
  • Provides new insight into past or previous events in order to connect the dots

60 Minutes 525AED

About Vandana
Heart Rate Variability Test
Heart Rate Variability testing is as if a traditional Chinese medicine or Ayurvedic doctor is assessing your pulse, except that now there is the technology (electrodes) to accurately examine your pulse and breathing rhythms. The result highlights the cardiovascular, neurohormonal, psycho-emotional, and autonomic nervous systems state.

45 minutes 425AED

About Houry
Energy Healing with Houry

Facilitate your own healing with Houry by using her mix of healing frequencies influenced by Reiki, Reconnective Healing, Reflexology, Sound Healing, and Aromatherapy.

This can be a powerful and personalized experience that can be tailored by the frequencies to your specific needs and goals, allowing you to connect with the healing energy within yourself. 

45 minutes 425AED 

1,155AED for a package of 3

About Houry
NES Health Scan

With a single click, and in seconds, your scan returns a richly detailed overview – including multiple screens and physiologically accurate graphics.  It reveals energetic blockages, nutritional issues, exposure to environmental toxins and sensitivities, emotional and mental analysis, chakras, and more.

90 minutes 525AED 

About Houry
Intuitive Reading

Intuitive Reading personal 1:1 sessions can solve the spiritual disconnect one feels in their life.

Centered around females, these sessions provide you with the exact intuitive guidance to navigate daily life, leaving you feel liberated and empowered.  It will also help release and resolve emotional baggage and subconscious limiting patterns and expand self love to create a fulfilling & committed personal relationship.

· Brings clarity to life

· Uncovers the reason behind suffering/misfortune

· Releases blocked energy

· Helps to deal with past trauma

· Allows you to discover your hidden talents

· Helps to install a positive attitude during hardships

· Brings harmony in personal and professional life

· Facilitates spiritual awakening

· Reconnects you with your strengths and gifts

· Strengthens your intuitive powers

985AED per session 

Spinal Attunement

Spinal Attunement is a globally recognised holistic practice that integrates Eastern, Western, and Esoteric wisdom. It views the spine as the central pathway through which our nervous system shapes our experiences.

By gently touching specific energetic points along the spine—such as chakras, meridians, and the pathways of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems—Spinal Attunement releases deep-seated tensions and illnesses that affect the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of our being.

This practice awakens the body’s natural intelligence, helping it return to a healthy state and accelerating the healing process. Suitable for all age groups—from newborns to the elderly—Spinal Attunement is often used alongside Western medicine and can be particularly valuable when conventional approaches do not provide the answers we seek.

595aED per 60 min session

895AED per 90 min session 

Astrological Mini Reading
If you’re just dipping your toes into the Astro pool this mini-reading covers your na... Read more
Astrology Natal Chart Reading
90 Minute Session Discover the hidden language of th... Read more
Bio-Well Reading with Sound Treatment
Get ready to discover your energy field! You will learn about the energy lev... Read more
Crystal Healing & Reiki with Maya (45 mins)
Maya private consultations include Reiki, Crystal Grids, and NLP techniques... Read more
NES Health Scan & miHealth Session
With a single click, and in seconds, your scan... Read more
Oracle Card Reading
60 minute session

Instructor : Vandana

Private 1 session with Houry
1 private session with Houry can include 1 of the following:... Read more
Reiki with NLP Coaching with Maya (60 mins)
Maya private consultations include Reiki, Crystal Grids, and NLP techniques... Read more
Reiki with Shahad (90 mins)
Reiki with Shahad – 90 mins
Soul Guidance from the Akasha
These specialized sessions are designed to help the receiver bridge the gap... Read more
Super Aura / Chakra Cleanse with Maya (30 min)
Maya private consultations include Reiki, Crystal Grids, and NLP techniques... Read more
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