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The Benefits of Prenatal & Postpartum Reiki

With Heidi Elmaarouf, Reiki Practitioner and Life Coach at Bodytree

Reiki during pregnancy and postpartum is timely and impactful…pregnancy and motherhood are times of rapid change and Reiki is a gentle way to help make all of the changes much more manageable, while keeping you connected to your baby. Reiki is a centuries-old healing art from Japan that uses light touch on or just above the body, to help facilitate deep relaxation, promote balance, healing and an optimal state of well-being.

Everything you need to know about Warming up, Cooling down and Rest days

with Lindsey Corrado-Sampson, Bodytree Pilates, BTB and Xtend Barre Instructor and creator of Spin Tribe

A new year inspires many people to make new health and fitness resolutions. Whether a newbie to fitness or are a regular gym goer there are a couple important elements of exercising that often get neglected and can lead a person to “burn out” or injury, ultimately getting in the way of those goals. In this article we will go over some of the key components that should always be incorporated into your workout routine.

Gut Health and Beyond

Dr Nas Al-Jafari, Family Medicine Consultant and Functional Medicine Practitioner at Intercare Wellness

Following on from the Bodytree Breakfast Club this month, and given the resounding interest in Gut Health, I thought it only natural to share my thoughts for those of you who missed out.

The Gut Microbiome is one of the most fascinating and few remaining health mysteries. As it turns out, rather than living in parallel, our microbiome lives symbiotically and operates almost synonymously with us i.e. they are us.

Probiotics – Everything you need to know!

with Suzan Terzian, Certified Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Consultant

Everyone is curious about probiotics, so I thought I would shed some light on what this health trend is all about. Probiotics are simply the good bacteria in your body, mainly in your gut. Nicknames for probiotics include gut bacteria, gastrointestinal flora, microbiome, micro biotic health, gut flora and friendly bugs.

We tend to think of our gut in terms of food digestion only, but there is so much more to this amazing organ than that. So much of our immunity resides in our gut, which is the first line of defense for our bodies from any harmful bacteria that may want to invade it. So in order to be healthy and have more healthy bacteria, we must create a thriving environment for them to live, and that environment is greatly affected by our diet and lifestyle habits. An imbalance in this ecosystem within us allows the ‘bad guys’(pathogens) to overpower the ‘good guys’, (healthy microflora). There are numerous studies going on right now that are looking at the role of probiotics in weight loss, prevention of respiratory infections, dental carries in kids, and as one method of treatment for inflammatory or autoimmune disorders. It’s obvious to see that the health of our gut is such an essential component to our overall health and wellbeing.

Creating the Perfect Yoga Playlist

by Angela Muller Habig, resident yogi at Bodytree

I walked into my first Power Yoga class drawn in by the hip hop tunes blasting out of the studio. My teacher’s previous career was in the music industry and she practiced from a Jivamukti background – music was as much of a tool to reach students as the asanas themselves. She taught us to build a playlist honoring the sound of each chakra: from bass for root chakra to high pitched bell sounds for our third eye. It is still this formula that I use for my own soundtracks. I try to create a new playlist once every season, often times I will change tracks once a month for Power Flow classes.

Usually I spend around 6-8 hours researching, combining and rearranging tracks. Transition and mood are so important to me – if a song does not touch my heart or move my body it does not make the cut. Often I find myself running towards speakers in restaurants, shazam on my phone in hand, searching for that perfect track. I will ask dj’s for their tunes and even taxi drivers have provided me with inspiration. My main tool is soundcloud – not only do I find it important to support independent artists I have also discovered that when we don’t know the song, we won’t associate memories to it, so it will be easier to keep our mind focused on our practice.

What If The Old Dog Is The New Trick…

with Andrea Marcum, Lululemon brand ambassador and writer

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.” – Zen Master Shunryo Suzuki

What if I were to tell you that something as simple as downward dog could be your roadmap to lasting transformation?

We often start doing yoga because we’re looking for a form of exercise. And the physical incentive is a great place to start. B.K.S. Iyengar himself said, “Penetration of the mind is our goal, but in the beginning there is no substitute for sweat.” Look, I understand that working our muscles feels immediate and palpable. Almost instantly we feel like we are inviting progress in some way. I also know that if we’re going to truly liberate ourselves, focusing only on our bodies will not be enough.

Tips for enjoying a Healthy, Holistic Pregnancy in Abu Dhabi

with Simone Burke, Pilates Instructor & Hypnobirthing Educator

Pregnancy is such an amazing and exciting time in our lives, but for some it could be more about battling morning sickness or even the stress of staying positive after a long fertility journey or previous pregnancy loss.

Here are some tips to staying healthy and happy during your pregnancy so Mummy and Baby can both enjoy a relaxing journey!

Recipe: Ultimate Acai Bowl

by Suzan Terzian, Certified Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Consultant

A great way to enjoy a plant based breakfast is to make yourself a smoothie bowl. My all time favorite smoothie bowl is the infamous Acai bowl. I absolutely LOVE it!

Acai berries are mostly grown in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest.  These dark-purple berries pack a nutrient punch with their antioxidant properties, with health benefits such as increased energy levels, a boosted immune system, and improved skin and nails.

However did you know that many bowls offered at different restaurants are loaded with sugar, making this healthy dish a lot less healthy?