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Ayurvedic Routines

Ayurvedic Routines


Unpacking the Doshas ~ Bioenergies Demystified

Monday 25th November

10:30am – 12:30pm

In Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of Life and Longevity, the Tridosha is a core concept. It is a topic that sparks interest and is widely discussed in online communities, yet it is often misunderstood. Today, let’s explore this concept and aim to gain a deeper understanding of it.

The Tridoshas represent the three primary bioenergies or principles that govern the functions of the human body and mind. Known as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, each of these bioenergies is a combination of two of the five major elements of the Universe (Pancha Mahabhutas) ~ space, air, fire, water, and earth. In Ayurveda, maintaining health and well-being relies on understanding and balancing these doshas. By following appropriate diets and lifestyles, individuals can harmonize their unique dosha constitution (Prakruti), promoting a healthy and balanced life. Accompanied with Guthealthy Bites & Sips from CulturedFoodUniverse

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