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advanced yoga Tag

Bodytree Wellness Studio > Posts tagged "advanced yoga"

What If The Old Dog Is The New Trick…

with Andrea Marcum, Lululemon brand ambassador and writer

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.” – Zen Master Shunryo Suzuki

What if I were to tell you that something as simple as downward dog could be your roadmap to lasting transformation?

We often start doing yoga because we’re looking for a form of exercise. And the physical incentive is a great place to start. B.K.S. Iyengar himself said, “Penetration of the mind is our goal, but in the beginning there is no substitute for sweat.” Look, I understand that working our muscles feels immediate and palpable. Almost instantly we feel like we are inviting progress in some way. I also know that if we’re going to truly liberate ourselves, focusing only on our bodies will not be enough.

How to Practice Yoga Safely

With Justine Rowan, Visiting Yoga Instructor at Bodytree Studio

Remember: You can’t be bad at yoga! It is not about being flexible or super fit.  It is about exploring and working with your own body’s current needs, challenges and potential and developing mind-body awareness through the medium of movement and breath focus.

Whether you are new to yoga or an experienced student one thing to bear in mind is the importance of respecting your limits. Learn how to protect yourself in any class to help prevent injury and maximise the power of your practice.