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Bodytree Wellness Studio > Uncategorized  > Wellness Wisdom with Dr Suresh Vassen: Invoking the Feminine Energy for Health and Wellbeing

Wellness Wisdom with Dr Suresh Vassen: Invoking the Feminine Energy for Health and Wellbeing

Invoking the Feminine Energy for Health and Wellbeing

The paradigm shift that is taking us into the next millennium can be described as an awakening of the feminine archetype and energy within all of us, a perspective that has been suppressed for centuries.  

Now the old linear, logical, analytical, and goal-oriented, win/lose and need to control mind-set, that has dominated modern Western societies, and that has been identified with the male modes of thinking and feeling, is currently undergoing a transformation. We are beginning to recognise that loving kindness, empathy compassion, intuition, insight, synergy, process and context, gratitude and relationship are all essential aspects of life and living, that we need to cultivate, if we are aspiring to be complete as human beings.

Invoking the feminine archetypal energy within is urgently needed to curb the onslaught of the number 1 pandemic of chronic inflammation, chronic disease and accelerated ageing.

What qualities of your feminine archetype do you express every day?

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