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Bodytree Wellness Studio > News & Blog  > Reset Your Morning for Your Best Start!

Reset Your Morning for Your Best Start!

with Suzan Terzian, Clinical Nutritionist & Holistic Health Coach

“How you start your day is often how you live your life” – Louise Hay.

As a nutritionist and health coach, I know the value of healthy, daily habits. Especially in the morning! This is one area I would LOvE my ladies (and the guys too) to focus on, to ensure they start each day with energy and vitality.

Self Care is my big focus for everyone.  Prioritize yourself through your morning routine before you focus on someone else’s needs.

• Do NOT reach for your phone – we all fall into this habit, but it is important to recognize it and avoid it.  When we reach for our phones upon rising, weather to check emails or check in on social media, we are allowing outside forces to take hold of our mind and our day before we even had the opportunity to properly wake up.  It will still be there when you are done looking after your morning routine.

• Gratitude – before getting out of bed, while you’re still stretching and rubbing your eyes, begin to list what you are grateful for.  It can be as simple as being grateful for waking up. This practice has such a powerful and positive effect on your cells.

• Hydrate – The first thing I do once up is make a warm water with fresh lemon.  It’s alkalizing, detoxifying and it really wakes me up.  Also gives my digestion a great start

• Intentions – Set the tone for your day by writing down your goals and intentions.  This is NOT a to do list.  This is what you are planning to receive, achieve, deliver, feel.  You write the script for your day. (If you’re in a hurry, it can be in point form)

• Hug your partner, child, parent or pet – studies have proven that hugging for 20 seconds releases oxytocin which lowers heart rate and cortisol levels, while stimulating the brain to release dopamine, our pleasure hormone.  What a fabulous way to start the day!

• Coffee time – I love my coffee (one a day) supercharged with some healthy MCT fats.  I sip it slowly to ensure a steady surge of energy.  I also recommend matcha green tea or mushroom coffees.

• Now Move! – if you are able to move your body first thing in the morning, that would be ideal.  If you’re rushing to work, it can be a quick 5-10 minute burst of body weight exercises, sun salutations, jumping jacks, whatever you are willing to do.  This really helps put your brain in productive mode

These are some of the ways you can wake up better, improve your mood, boost your metabolism, and walk out the door feeling energized.

Disclaimer – this WILL have a positive impact on the rest of your day! Happy routine building!

Suzan Terzian is a Canadian Nutritionist, whose Health & Wellness Consultancy is based in Bodytree Studio. Email info@bodytreestudio.com or call 024434448 to find out more or make a booking. Follow her daily advice and inspiration on Instagram @yourhealthguideuae

1 Comment
  • Ani
    March 15, 2018 at 6:33 am

    That’s really nice and easy list of steps to follow.
    “Thank You God for this new day which begins under aspects of… health, wealth and peace (or what comes to my mind)”
    That’s mine 🙂
    Have a nice day!

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